Gujarat PG admissions to be based on MBBS marks

AHMEDABAD: Students seeking postgraduate admissions in medicine have been stuck in a web of confusion. There was considerable uncertainty about how the Gujarat government would go ahead with the admission procedure. The state had previously decided to use the National Eligibility Examination Test (NEET) for admission to PG courses.

PG admissions will now be determined by assigning 25 per cent weightage each to first and second year MBBS and 50 per cent weightage to final MBBS exam results. Officials said that the Gujarat government should have conducted its own examination and had held NEET results in abeyance. On the other hand, the state, hoping that the NEET would be cleared, did not conduct its own admission test.

The authorities were unsure whether to conduct a fresh examination or go ahead with the old merit system. Officials said that one group of students wanted the admissions to be conducted through the NEET, while another group wanted a merit list of the marks scored in MBBS examination.

Health minister Nitin Patel said, "We are yet to study the Supreme Court judgment in detail. We have prima facie decided to go ahead with the old system for medical admissions."'

Meritorious students said that they fear that admission based on MBBS marks will give certain undeserving students undue advantage over them. This was because those who ranked in the MBBS examination were not even close to being rankers in the NEET. This old system will ensure that children of doctors and influential persons will get admission while deserving candidates will be left out, said one student.

Bharat Shah of BJ Medical College said that the government does not have enough time now to conduct an entrance test for admission. "We are left with no other option but to admit students only on the basis of merit marks in MBBS courses," he said.

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